August 4, 2015

“ONE SHOT” PUB Rules Explained by Melbourne Function Venue

“ONE SHOT” PUB Rules Explained by Melbourne Function Venue In The event of a team not being able to start at the designated start time…30 minutes is allowed…after this time a forfeit can be called or the team must start with existing players….matches that are missed are counted as 10 nil and are NOT to be replayed by a late arrival.
March 10, 2015
Corporate Function Venue Top 10 Pool Players of All Time

Corporate Function Venue Top 10 Pool Players of All Time

Function Venue Melbourne Corporate Function Venue Top 10 Pool Players of All Time The game of pool, which is formally known as pocket billiards mainly in North America, or even as pool billiards mostly in Australia and Europe, is one of the most stylish and sophisticated indoor games in the world. It belongs to the family of cue sports and games.